Turkey Cooking and Styling Tips
It is Turkey Time! Whether you are a beginner or a pro, I am sharing Turkey Cooking and Styling Tips.

Turkey Cooking and Styling Tips: They Turkey
Choosing The Perfect Turkey
What Size Turkey SHould I buY?
Plan 1 1/2 pounds for each guest on your list. Add 2 pounds for the bones. If you are planning for more than a 12 pound turkey, I recommend two smaller turkeys or a larger turkey and a boneless turkey breast.
What Type Turkey Should I buy?
HERITAGE TURKEYS: Heritage turkey breeds (Narragansett, Bourbon Red, Jersey Buff) can be found at local farms for sale. They have smaller breasts, more dark meat, they are leggier, leaner, and flavorful. They are bit pricey but worth the money.
TRADITIONAL FRESH/FROZEN TURKEYS: A traditional fresh/frozen turkey is the easiest to get because they are plentiful in grocery stores during the holiday season. They are called the “Broad Breasted White” turkeys. When choosing, pick the plumpest in the weight range you are looking for. Keep in mind, a fresh bird is wonderful, but frozen turkeys are snap frozen just after butchering.
ORGANIC TURKEYS: Check labels for your preferred organic standards. Pick a bird that looks plump and well fed.
KOSHER TURKEYS: A kosher label on a turley has been processed under rabbinical supervision. They are grain-fed with no antibiotics and are allowed to roam freely.
SELF-BASTING TURKEYS: A self basting turkey has been injected with or marinated in a solution of a fat and water broth with flavor enhancers and other approved substances. Be sure to avoid turkeys injected with MSG.
FREE RANGE TURKEYS: Turkey’s that were allowed out-doors.
NATURAL TURKEYS: No antibiotics or the way the turkey was raised.

Thawing The Turkey
Thawing the turkey can take several days depending of size. Plan ahead for a long thaw.
REFRIGERATOR THAWING: Allow 1 day in the refrigerator for every 4 pounds of turkey.
ICE WATER THAWING: Allow 30 minutes of thawing per pound.
I do not recommend leaving a turkey on the counter to thaw as bacteria grows quickly. For more information consult the USDA website.
Cleaning the Turkey
- Lay an unscented trash bag over the sink and cut a hole in the plastic over the drain.
- Place a large baking sheet by the sink close to the plastic.
- Tear off a large pile of paper towels and place by the baking sheet.
- Put the turkey in the sink on the plastic and carefully cut the packaging away from the turkey.
- Be sure to remove the giblets and the turkey neck bag tucked inside the cavity.
- Lift the turkey with your hand in the cavity to give it a good rinse inside and out.
- Still holding the turkey and using the paper towels, pat the bottom of the turkey dry and place it on the baking sheet.
- Pat the rest of the turkey dry to include the inside of the cavity.
- Place the contaminated paper towels on the plastic and carefully dispose.
- Spray the work area with disinfectant.
Seasoning The Turkey
Guess What? It isn’t necessary! Check the turkey you purchased. It has more than likely been pre-brined with salt and seasoning. (Butterball is a brand that pre-brines.) Click here if you purchased a turkey that needs a brine.
Once the turkey is rinsed, dried, and placed on a baking sheet…
- Rub the entire turkey with room temperature butter. Be sure to rub it under the skin on the breasts.
- Salt and pepper the outside of the turkey.
- More flavor: Mix fresh diced herbs (sage, thyme, rosemary) and room temperature butter as a rub.
Move the seasoned turkey from the baking sheet to the roasting pan.
Stuffing the Turkey
Avoid using breaded dressing. It will become soggy and may not cook through causing illness. Don’t skip the Cornbread Dressing! It is perfect served as a side for the turkey.
Stuff the turkey with sliced apples, onions, sliced oranges, and/or whole spices on the roasting pan and pull the skin down at the front and back of to keep moisture inside.
Truss The Legs and Tuck the Wings
- Truss is a fancy word for tying. Tie the turkey legs together with the cooking string.
- Tuck the wings under the breasts.

- Following the package directions for cooking the turkey for perfect cooking and timing.
Skip the Basting
- Be confident in your seasoning skills. The butter rub will keep your turkey moist!
- Basting means opening the oven door which causes temperature fluctuations that will dry out your bird.
Temperature Test and Let That Turkey Rest
You didn’t open the oven door, and the package cooking time is complete.
Take a bow and give yourself a silent cheer you patient thing YOU! I am cheering for you too!
Temperature Test
Open the oven door and stick the thermometer in the thickest part of the turkey around the thigh, avoiding the bone. It should be 155°F in the leg. Insert the thermometer into the breast. The breast should be 165°F. It is time to remove from the oven if these temps are achieved.
Remove From The Oven
- Using oven mitts, carefully tilt the pan to let the juices run out of the turkey cavity. This liquid is perfect for gravy.
- Place the turkey on a carving board or a turkey platter.
- Cover the turkey tightly with aluminum foil and let it rest for 45 to 60 minutes.
- Resting the turkey will allow the juices to redistribute creating moist meat. The temperature will rise another 10 degrees. If you carve the turkey without letting it rest, it will become very dry. Avoid making this mistake.
Looking for carving tips? Bobby Flay has you covered.
Some say it is a bad idea to carve a turkey at the table. I prefer it. It is such a sight to see the star of the meal at its fancy finest.

Turkey Cooking and Styling Tips: The Tips
Place the turkey on a pretty platter and tuck fresh herb sprigs and sliced fruit around the turkey.
Fresh Garnishes
- Fresh Sage Sprigs
- Fresh Rosemary Sprigs
- Fresh Thyme Sprigs
- Sliced Pomegranates
- Champagne Grapes
- Figs
- Red Apples
- Green Apples
- Pears
- Oranges
- Clementines
- Lemons
- Limes
- Sturdy Lettuce
- Grape Leaves
- Purple Cabbage Leaves

Looking for a quick table runner idea? Click here.