DIY Watermelon Rind Flower Arrangement
How about this summer centerpiece to wow a crowd? Let me show you how to make a DIY Watermelon Rind Flower Arrangement.

How About A Few Fun Watermelon Facts…
Why are they Called Watermelons?
92% of the melon is water. Hence, watermelon! Did you know you can eat the entire melon? You can. Here in the south we pickle watermelon rinds. They can also be used in stews.
Where Do Watermelons Come From?
Africa! Scientists found evidence of watermelon not only from seeds discovered in tombs, but also depicted in hieroglyphics dating back to the 2nd millennium B.C.

Which is Sweeter? A round or An Oval Watermelon?
The very best watermelons are average sized but heavy for their size. The oval watermelon is more watery while the round is sweeter.
3 Great Reasons To Eat Watermelon
- Did you know watermelons are low in sugar. A whole cup of diced watermelon has under 10 grams of sugar.
- Watermelon is full of lycopene, an antioxidant that helps break down harmful free-oxygen radicals.
- They contain an amino acid called citrulline. The body converts this to arginine, and helps the body produce nitric oxide, a gas that relaxes the blood vessels and encourages flexibility in arteries. In turn, this can lower blood pressure.

DIY Watermelon Rind Flower Arrangement
- watermelon/s (round or oval)
- thing sharpie
- sharp watermelon knife
- floral scissors
- your favorite flowers
In this arrangement I used white stock flowers, pink roses, white carnations, and a single sunflower.
Prepare the flowers you will use in your arrangement by snipping off the ends and placing in water.
Take a look at your watermelon and pick the prettiest side. If your watermelon doesn’t sit flat, slice a straight sliver off of the bottom to add stability.
Decide how deep you would like your watermelon rind vase to be considering which end you picked for the base. Draw a line around the melon and carefully follow your line it to slice off the top end.
Arrange the flowers in the watermelon by sticking them into the watermelon flesh.

Fresh Cut Tulip Tips Here!
Voilà! A beautiful Watermelon Rind Arrangement! I would love to see yours and the flowers you chose! Tag me on instagram @_SparklingCharm and use #SparklingCharmEverything!

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