DIY Felted Wool Vase

DIY Felted Wool Vase

Do you have a collection of unused flower vases from holidays gone by? …Or maybe countless mason jars that you just might use someday?

This project will turn the ordinary into extrordinary. I had so much fun with this project. I want to cover everything in felted wool.

Consider making these in a rainbow of colors so that you use them seasonally with fresh flowers in different spaces of your home! I am making a few to fill with foliage from our yard and spread spring and summer cheer with friends.

Sparkle! Sparkle! XX-gwyn

DIY Felted Wool Vase

DIY Felted Wool Vase


Felting Wool (Available at craft stores.)
Glass Jar or Vase
Nylon Hosiery
Liquid Dish Soap

DIY Felted Wool Vase


1. Pull a small bit of wool from the skien and fluff the fibers.

2. Dampen the vase with water.

3. Begin by wrapping the first small handful of fibers all the way around the vase.

4. Continue by tightly adding more layers changing the direction with each handful of wool. The fibers will stick together like velcro and look like cotton candy. (Be sure to cover the bottom as you go.) Repeat the process until you reach  a 1/4″ thickness.DIY Felted Wool Vase

5. Cut a leg from a pair of nylon hosiery and carefully cover the vase. Tie off both ends.

6. Over a sink, drizzle the wool all around with a tablespoon of liquid dish soap. Any brand will do.

7. Turn on the hot water to a slow drip and gradually drizzle over the soapy wool.

8. Remove the soapy wet wool from the water and gently massage the soap into the wool using a circular motion. The sudsy wool will mat together. This will take up to 15 minutes.

DIY Felted Wool Vase

9. Turn the water to a hot slow flow and begin to rinse out the suds. The fibers will shrink and tighten to the vase. Note: Use boiling water and carefully rinse if your tap water is lukewarm. 

10. Repeat the last step. This time using cold water and then again with hot until the suds are completely rinsed out.

11. Wrap the case in a towel and press out as much water as possible.

12. Remove the nylon hosiery carefully and press any uncovered areas together.

13. Let it dry completely. This take up to three hours.

DIY Felted Wool Vase

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Copyrights & Credits//Author, Photographer, Creator: Gwyn

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